Diverse swards and herbal leys
Hear from Ian Wilkinson, FarmED; Sam Lane, Cotswold Seeds and Ben Rodgers from Catchment Sensitive Farming discuss components of a herbal ley, the influence of soil type and a case study showing how all the key concepts work in together in the White Peak, Lake District.
Getting to grips with soil carbon
Liz Bowles, Chief Executive Officer at the Farm Carbon Toolkit shares her knowledge on greenhouse gas emissions and how we can encourage more climate positive farming practices which increase soil organic matter and soil organic carbon
Bio-materials for construction
Introduction to the CHCx3 - Stuart Knight, NIAB; Paludiculture and the Paludiculture Exploration Fund - Jim Milner, Natural England; Market demand for bio-materials in construction - Mike Lawrence, Natural Building Systems; Challenges getting from field to market - Jamie Bartley, Unyte Hemp and Routes to markets - Joanne Booth, Lucideon
Overview of cover crop trials
Dr Nathan Morris gives an overview of the work that is being done in the CHCx3 project
Biomass crop webinar
William Cracroft-Eley from Terravesta and Neil Watkins from EcoCrops discuss miscanthus and willow and the potential the crops have to capture carbon
Fibre crop webinar
Dr Lydia Smith, NIAB and Jamie Bartley, Unyte Hemp explain how flax and hemp are processed, what they can be used for and how they capture carbon
Cover crop webinar
Dr Ian Shield, Rothamsted Research and Dr Nathan Morris, NIAB introduce the work that is being done in the CHCx3 cover crop trials and how they can work in rotations
Agri-techE week
Introduction from Dr Lydia Smith, NIAB and Belinda Clarke, Agri-TechE
Dr Jeanette Whitaker, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Biomass crops for multiple for end uses
Value Chains, case studies from carbon capture renewable crops
Lukie Tolhurst, Lucid Insights Ltd.
Hemp based products
Dr Mike Lawrence, Natural Building Systems
Exploiting the full value of your supply chain
Professor Peter Ball, University of York
Farmer-led research into peas and beans
Tom Allen-Stevens, British On-farm Innovation Network
ISO Hemp Block: Hempcrete at scale for the mainstream construction industry
Alex Sparrow, UK Hempcrete Ltd.
The potential for specialist oils
Nigel Padbury, Premium Oil Crops
How a revolutionary digital tool can help farmers in the Net Zero Challenge
Kevin Lindegaard, Envirocrops